This site map will help you find the information you are looking for on
Coping Skills
- Stress Management
- Stress Worksheets
- Anxiety
- Panic Attack Worksheets
- Anger Worksheets
- Pain Relief
- Sleep
- Advice
Relaxation Information
Relaxation Scripts
- Relaxation Scripts
- Visualizations
- Guided Imagery
- Anxiety Relief
- Meditation Scripts
- Physical Scripts
- Quick Relaxation
- Sleep Scripts
- Autogenics
- Sensory Scripts
- Scripts for Kids
- Coping Skills Exercises
- Translations
Relaxation Audio
All Relaxation Scripts and Downloads
All the relaxation scripts and downloads are listed below in alphabetical order. Find a detailed list with descriptions here.
30-Second Quick Relaxation Access the download here.
Adults Recovering from Childhood Bullying
Anxiety in the Stomach Relaxation Script
Autism Relaxation to Decrease Stimming
Autogenics Access the download here.
Beach Visualization Access the download here.
Beginner’s Breathing Meditation Access the download here.
Body Image Relaxation Access the download here.
Breathing Relaxation for Children
Calming Color Relaxation Access the download here.
Candle Visualization Relaxation Access the download here.
Coping with Flashbacks Relaxation
Creative Expression Relaxation Access the download here.
Dealing with Food Sensitivities
Dealing with Rejection or Failure
Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Decrease Fidgeting Relaxation Script
Easy Relaxation Techniques Demo Video
Emotional Awareness Relaxation
Floating on a Cloud Access the download here.
Generalized Anxiety Relaxation
Guided Imagery for Writing an Exam
Learn an Instrument Meditation
Lucid Dreaming: Rewriting the End of a Nightmare
Marial Arts Competition Guided Imagery for Kickboxing or Muay Thai
Martial Arts Training Guided Imagery for Kickboxing or Muay Thai
Morning Relaxation: Guided Energy Starter
Music Imagery (by Diana)
Music Relaxation Access the download here.
Overcoming Shyness Access the download here.
Panic Attacks when Flying Relaxation Script
Passive Progressive Relaxation Access the download here.
Peaceful Meadow Access the download here.
Peaceful Waves Relaxation Access the download here.
Physical Awareness Relaxation for Blind People with Panic Disorder
Professional Distance and Empathy
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise Access the download here.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Keywords
Quick Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Quick Relaxation: Deep Breathing Access the download here.
Relaxation for Children Access the download here.
Relaxation for Coping with Panic
Relaxation for Homework Anxiety Using Relaxation Paint (by Diana with a Script by Patti Teel)
Relaxation for Obsessive Thoughts
Relaxation for Positive Self-Image
Relaxation to Deal with Loneliness
Relaxation to Deal with Menstrual Pain
Relaxation to Decrease Jaw Clenching
Relaxation to Relieve Anxiety Access the download here.
Relaxation to Stop Being Afraid of the Dark
Relaxation to Stop Biting the Inside of the Mouth
Sleep Countdown Access the download here.
Sleep Relaxation Access the download here.
Stretch and Relax Access the download here.
Warm Autogenic Relaxation Script
Water Meditation: Trusting the People Who Do Medical Procedures (by Diana)
When Relaxation Causes Anxiety: Relaxation for Homework Anxiety Application (by Diana)
More about Stress Managment:
- Definition of Stress
- Symptoms of Stress
- Causes of Stress
- Healthy Coping with Stress
- Build Coping Skills
- Stress Q&A
- Relaxation Techniques
More About Anxiety
- Overcoming Anxiety: 5 Quick Ways to Relieve Anxiety
- Definition of Anxiety
- Anxiety Symptoms
- Anxiety Causes
- Anxiety Treatment
More About Relaxation
- Relaxation Examples
- Share Relaxation Resources From this Site
- Tips to Relax
- Experience Relaxation Therapy
More Relaxation Resources
- Words to Relax Book
- Learn to Relax Course and Participant Manual
More Relaxation Advice
- Questions about Anxiety
- What are the symptoms of anxiety?
- What are the causes of anxiety?
- If you think “positive thinking” can control my anxiety, you obviously just don’t understand.
- I’m sure my symptoms have a physical cause. How can THAT be caused by anxiety?!
- What are the differences between stress, fear and anxiety?
- Sometimes relaxation can actually trigger anxiety. Why?
- How can I use relaxation if it triggers anxiety for me?
- What are the steps for reviewing a relaxation script so I can become more comfortable with relaxation?
- I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I know that panic cannot harm me but when it happens I still get scared.
- I do not like the symptoms I get when I’m in a panic. What can I do to make it feel better?
- Questions about Relaxation
- What is relaxation?
- How can I relax?
- I need more information on how to relax. What are the basic relaxation techniques?
- What is occupational therapy? What does occupational therapy have to do with relaxation?
- What are some of the different relaxation techniques I could try?
- I need some specific examples of what to do for the different relaxation techniques.
- I’m too busy to relax. What can I do?
- How is relaxation different from hypnosis?
- What is biofeedback? How can it help me learn to relax?
- How is relaxation different from simply unwinding?
- What are the differences between visualization, guided imagery, and meditation?
- What are some ways to help me relax at night so I can get a better sleep?
- How can I make my own personalized relaxation scripts?
- Is relaxation enough?
- How can I make relaxation practical?
- How can I use music for relaxation?
- How can a relaxation journal help me learn to relax?
- Questions about Stress
- What is stress?
- What are the symptoms of stress?
- How is stress caused? What are some of the causes of stress?How can I prevent stress overload?
- What are the differences between stress, fear and anxiety?
- Questions about Coping
- How can I set goals and achieve them?
- Will relaxation techniques help with sleep? How can I reset my circadian rhythms?
- What are some ways to relax at night so I can get a better sleep?
- How can I build healthy coping skills?
Additional Resources