Relaxation downloads for children can be used to guide kids or adults to relax using quick and easy relaxation techniques. The language and imagery in these relaxation audio scripts are simple, clear, and understandable for children. These downloads can be helpful for quiet time, relaxation, or to help kids go to sleep.
Kids relaxation downloads including MP3 and/or video scripts can be played directly in your internet browser for your convenience. It is free to listen to all the relaxation scripts on this page.
Audio may be played for free. Kids relaxation downloads may also be purchased for $3 each and downloaded to your computer by clicking “add to cart.” To add more relaxation MP3s to your cart, click the “x” to close your shopping cart and come back to this page. Choose “add to cart” for any additional title (s) you would like to purchase. To check out, choose “view cart” and select “checkout.”
To view all of the relaxation audio MP3’s that you can download to your computer, visit the Relaxation MP3 Downloads Store page.
Kids Relaxation Downloads: Audio for Children
Relaxation for Children
$3 – MP3 Download – With Background Music – Site Intro Removed
Relaxation for children that guides children or adults to relax using simple breathing and progressive relaxation techniques.
Ideal for younger children, preschoolers, and kids in elementary school.
Breathing Relaxation for Children
$3 – MP3 Download – With Background Music – Site Intro Removed
This breathing relaxation for children is for anyone who is learning to relax. Both children and adults can use this breathing relaxation exercise as an easy relaxation technique.
Ideal for younger children, preschoolers, and kids in elementary school.
Relaxation to Stop Being Afraid of the Dark
$3 – MP3 Download – With Background Music – Site Intro Removed
This relaxation script is for children or adults who are afraid of the dark. It begins with visualization and calming phrases to bring comfort and relaxation, and ends with passive progressive muscle relaxation. Listen to this relaxation script before bed to fall asleep comfortably.
Good for younger children or teens and adults.
Guided Imagery for Writing an Exam
$3 – MP3 Download – With Background Music – Site Intro Removed
Visualize the process of studying for and writing an exam. Visualizing success will promote increased confidence, concentration, and memory. Relaxation can also improve the ability to learn by eliminating some of the anxiety that interferes with taking in new information.
Ideal for teens and adults.
Relaxation to Decrease Fidgeting
$3 – MP3 Download – With Background Music – Site Intro Removed
This relaxation script will help you to decrease fidgeting with your hands. This exercise will allow you to reduce anxiety to create a feeling of calm and be still, even when faced with stress.
Good for mature school-age children, preteens, teenagers and adults.
Here are some tips for using these relaxation audio exercises with children. These scripts are intended to be used with the guidance of an adult. Some scripts are appropriate for different ages; for example, anyone can use the “Relaxation for Children” exercise, and this one would be appropriate for preschoolers and young children, but scripts such as “Guided Imagery for Writing an Exam” (for overcoming test anxiety) is appropriate for older school-age children and teenagers.
Choose a script that is age appropriate and understandable for your child. You may want to do the relaxation exercise together. This will set an example to show your child that relaxation is enjoyable and that it is not something that is just for kids or just for adults. Relaxation is for everyone at any age.
Using age appropriate language, explain to your child that you are going to do a fun activity that will help you feel relaxed, comfortable, and calm. Let your child know that there is no right or wrong way to relax, so don’t worry about how to relax; just have fun.
You can use these audio downloads to play the relaxation exercises, or you can read relaxation scripts to your kids – whichever you and your children prefer.
To help kids get to sleep, you can play relaxation audio softly at bed time. For kids who like to get out of bed when they should be sleeping, you could play a relaxation exercise and tell them that they may not get up until the audio is done. The kids will probably be sleeping long before the relaxation exercise finishes!
Get more kids relaxation downloads from the Relaxation MP3 Downloads Store.
Read the written relaxation scripts for children here.
More relaxation audio that you can play for free from your web browser:
- Visualizations
- Guided imagery
- Relaxation for Anxiety Relief
- Guided Meditation
- Physical and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques
- Creative Expression
- Quick Relaxation
- Sleep Relaxation
- Autogenics
- Sensory Relaxation
- Relaxation for Children
Not sure where to find the download you are looking for? You can search this site or see a complete list of relaxation scripts on the site map.