Autogenic relaxation involves imagining that your limbs are warm and heavy, your heart rate is slow and steady, and your forehead is cool. This process will induce the relaxation response.
Begin by finding a comfortable position, seated or lying down…
Focus completely on your breathing. Let all other thoughts go.
Breathe in…2…3…4…pause…2…3…Exhale…2…3…4…5…
Breathe in…2…3…4…pause…2…3…Exhale…2…3…4…5…
Breathe in…hold…Exhale…
Focus on just your breathing. There is nothing else you need to be doing at this moment. Nowhere else you need to be. Allow your worries to be released as you simply focus on the present. Breathe.
Breathe in…2…3…4…hold…2…3…Exhale…2…3…4…5…
Breathe in…and out…
Turn your attention to your right hand. Imagine your right hand becoming warm. Starting at the tips of your thumb and fingers, the feeling of warmth spreads to your palm…to the back of your hand…to your wrist…
Your right hand is very warm…Very heavy…Relaxed.
Focus now on your left hand. Feel the feeling of warmth in your left hand…in your thumb and fingers…your palm…the back of your hand…your wrist…
Your left hand is warm, heavy, and relaxed.
Continue to relax…and enjoy the relaxation you are experiencing.
Notice your right arm becoming heavy and warm. Relaxing into warmth and heaviness…your forearm…elbow…upper arm…
Your whole right arm is warm…very warm and heavy…
The feeling of heaviness is very comfortable and relaxing…
Now turn your attention to your left arm. Feel your left arm warming…relaxing…your left arm feels warm and heavy. Feel your left forearm…elbow…upper arm relaxing…warming…your entire left arm is heavy and warm…very relaxed.
Turn your attention now to your feet. Notice the feeling of warmth spreading from your right toes…to your right foot…the bottom of your foot…the top of your foot…your ankle…your right foot feels very heavy…warmer…heavier…relaxed.
Feel the warmth beginning in the toes of your left foot. Your left foot is becoming warm…from the bottom of your left foot…to the top…to your ankle…your left foot is warm…heavy..relaxing…
Both of your feet are pleasantly warm…a relaxed feeling of heaviness…warmth…and relaxation…
Feel the relaxation moving…growing…your right lower leg becomes warm…your knee…your right upper leg…your right leg is heavy and warm…
Feel your left lower leg warming and relaxing…your knee…upper leg…your left leg is warm and heavy…
Both of your legs are completely relaxed…
Repeat the following relaxing statements in your mind, imagining each one:
My right arm is warm
My left arm is warm
My right arm is heavy
My left arm is heavy
My right arm is warm and heavy
My left arm is warm and heavy
Both arms are warm and heavy
My right leg is warm
My right leg is heavy
My left leg is warm
My left leg is heavy
Both legs are warm and heavy
My arms and legs are warm
My arms and legs are heavy
My arms and legs are very warm and very heavy
My heart rate is slow and regular
My heart beat is slowing comfortably
My forehead is cool
My arms and legs are warm and heavy
My heart beat is slow and steady
My forehead is cool
My arms and legs are very warm…relaxed…
My arms and legs are so heavy and relaxed
My heartbeat is steady…slow…relaxed…
My forehead is smooth and cool
I am relaxed
I am relaxed
Now it is time to reawaken your body from this autogenics session. Feel your mind becoming more alert.
Wiggle your fingers. Feel your hands and arms reawakening.
Wiggle your toes.
Take a deep breath in as you stretch your arms, reaching high above your head. Exhale and lower your arms.
Open your eyes, and sit quietly for a moment as you become fully alert.
When you have returned to your usual level of wakefulness, your autogenics session is complete.