Deep breathing not only helps to cure anxiety and stress, it also triggers relaxation. Here’s how to breathe deeply.
Breathing is fundamental to survival. When we are stressed or anxious, our breathing changes in an attempt to allow the body to engage in intense physical activity for survival.
Breathing becomes more rapid, but unfortunately, it also gets shallow. We begin to breathe short, quick, shallow breaths.
Ever feel like you can’t catch your breath? It isn’t that you are not able to catch your breath, it’s that you are not exhaling.
Short gasps of air inward are followed by very small exhalations. The feeling of not catching one’s breath leads to even more inhalations…. but still no complete exhale. The lungs are so full of old, stale air, new good air cannot enter. We sense the need for oxygen, and in panic, attempt to inhale even more.
The solution to this problem is clear: exhale!
Proper breathing is an excellent way to manage stress because it stops this negative cycle and calms the body.
Deep breathing not only helps to cure anxiety and stress, it also triggers relaxation.
Breathing too fast and deep causes lightheadedness and numbness or tingling of the extremities. Here is a way to slow down your breathing while keeping it deep and exhaling fully.
Inhale slowly to the count of four (count slowly; to the pace of one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand….). Pause to the count of three.
Exhale slowly to the count of five.
The breathing process goes like this:
Inhale… two, three, four…pause…two, three….exhale…two, three, four five….
Inhale… two, three, four…pause…two, three….exhale…two, three, four five….
Repeat for a minute or two.