Find translations of your favorite relaxation scripts. Are you looking for a script that is in another language besides English? Here you will find relaxation scripts in French and Spanish. Translations are provided courtesy of generous individuals and organizations who took the time to translate the scripts. Thank you for your work and for making these scripts available here.
French Relaxation Scripts (Francais)
Here are some scripts in French (Francais) to help you relax by following along with French directions. Translations complements of the Arthritis Society.
Relychement une Promenade en Forêt. Visualisez une scène en forêt. Translation complements of the Arthritis Society, Continue reading “Promenade en Forêt (Francais) – French version of Forest Visualization script.”
Relychement: Images d’un lever de soleil près de l’océan.Translation complements of the Arthritis Society, Continue reading “Images d’un lever de soleil près de l’océan (Francias) – French translation of Peaceful Waves Relaxation script.”
Spanish Relaxation Scripts (Español)
Relajación General de Ansiedad. This translation is a Spanish language version of Generalized Anxiety Relaxation provided by Joanna Warzybok. Continue Reading “Relajación General de Ansiedad.”
Portuguese Relaxation Scripts (Português)
Encontrando seu autêntico Eu – Relaxamento. This translation is a Portuguese language version of Finding Your Authentic Self. Translation provided by Michelle Boscolo. Este roteiro guiado de imagens, o ajudará explorar seus valores e conectar-se com seu Eu autêntico. Continue Reading “Encontrando seu autêntico Eu.”