This relaxation for asthma script will help to calm breathing, reduce muscle tension in the chest and throat, and get though an asthma attack. This relaxation script is also effective for anxiety symptoms that cause breathing difficulty.
Begin by getting into a more comfortable position. Sitting in a comfortable, firm chair is ideal. Now breathe out, as slowly as you can, to empty your lungs as much as possible. You will breathe in naturally, automatically. You don’t need to worry about how much air is getting into your lungs.
Keep breathing, as slowly as you can. It might be difficult at first, and that’s okay. Don’t worry. As your muscles relax, your breathing will get easier and easier, deeper and deeper. For now, just try to breathe out as thoroughly as you can with each breath, so you are not trying to inhale with your lungs full of air. As you exhale again, simply focus on emptying your lungs completely. Inhale slowly, letting the rhythm of your breathing slow down. Breathe out, blowing the air through pursed lips. Breathe in through your nose… slowly. Breathe out though your mouth.
In through the nose…. and out through the mouth.
In through the nose… and out through the mouth.
As you continue to breathe, let the rhythm of your breathing slow down. You are getting enough air. As you relax, your require less oxygen, meaning that you can breathe very slowly, and your body uses oxygen efficiently. Feel your body beginning to relax. Asthma can make it difficult to breathe, so if you are not yet able to breathe deeply, it’s okay. Your breaths will get deeper automatically, and right now, all you need to do is allow your body to relax.
Relaxation is normal and natural, and your body will do this on it’s own. You can help your body relax right now.
Asthma attacks or anxiety attacks are scary, but this attack will be over soon. You will get through this and you are okay. If you need to reassure yourself that you are breathing, hold your fingers in front of your nose and mouth. Blow air out through your mouth, as if blowing out a candle. Do you feel the air on your fingers? This means that you are breathing. You are getting the air you need. You can do this at any time if you are afraid and need reassurance. Your breathing will take care of itself. Any time you are worried about your breathing, just exhale slowly, as much as you can. Your body only needs a little air to function just fine. You are getting the air you need, and you are okay. Help yourself get as comfortable as possible until the asthma attack passes. It will soon be over and you will be feeling just fine.
All you need to do now is let your muscles relax. You are doing fine. Start with the muscles of your shoulders. You may notice that your shoulders are held up high, and the muscles are tight. Raise your shoulders up even higher, toward your ears. Hold this f or a moment, and then release the tension, lowering your shoulders.
Breathe in as you raise your shoulders, and relax, lowering your shoulders as you breathe out.
Raise your shoulders and feel your breath being drawn in… exhale as you relax and lower your shoulders.
One more time, raise your shoulders and breathe in…. lower your shoulders and breathe out.
Keep your shoulders in this relaxed position while you continue to breathe slowly.
If any tension remains, repeat… raising your shoulders, hold for a moment as you keep breathing. Then on the out breath, lower your shoulders, relaxing.
Now focus on your hands. Sometimes when people are tense, they hold their hands in tense positions, closing them into fists. Tighten your hands into fists right now, squeezing tightly. Hold this tension…. Now open your hands, and shake them, shaking out the tension. Keep shaking your hands and arms…. and now relax. Let your arms rest at your sides.
Notice how your hands and arms are feeling now. Feel the relaxation in your hands and arms… loose and relaxed.
You can stretch the muscles of your chest, back, and sides to reduce tension and promote relaxation. Breathing in, reach your arms up above your head, look up, and lean back slightly, lengthening the front of your body. Keep breathing. Stretch as far as is comfortable, and no further. Hold this position for a few moments, letting the tension leave your body as you stretch. As you breathe out, return to a neutral position.
Breathe in and bend forward at the waist, move your chin toward your chest, and feel the stretch along your neck and back. Rest like this, stretching comfortably, breathing calmly. Breathe out as you slowly return to a neutral position.
Now lean to the left as you breathe out, moving your left shoulder toward your left hip and your ear toward your shoulder, feeling the stretch on your right side. Breathe comfortably as you hold this position. Breathe in as you return to center. As you exhale, lean to the right, moving your right shoulder toward your right hip and your ear toward your shoulder, stretching your left side. Breathe calmly, holding this position. Breathe in as you return to a neutral position.
Simply rest now in a neutral position, allowing a feeling of relaxation to fill your body. Feel your lungs opening up… relaxing. They feel so wide and open as the muscles relax. The muscles that were holding everything tight have relaxed now into a feeling of calm… loose and relaxed.
Feel the relaxation throughout your body.
Feel your arms, limp and heavy, very relaxed.
Allow your feet and legs to relax and grow limp, feeling warm and heavy.
Feel how heavy your eyelids have become…. feel the muscles of your face as they go slack, relaxing completely.
Concentrate on the muscles of your neck, feeling them relax. The back of your neck is filled with relaxation, and so is your back, all the way down your spine…. relaxation fills your back from the top of your head, to the back of your head…. your upper back and shoulders…. middle back and sides…. lower back, all the way around to your stomach, all the way down to your bottom and the end of your spine.
Notice now your sides and chest. Feel the relaxation there as all the muscles give up their hold…. relaxing…. letting go of tension.
Notice the easy rhythm of your breathing. Slow, smooth, regular. Feel your ribcage moving gently in and out with each breath. Feel the relaxation in your collar bones and shoulders. Feel the relaxation all the way from your navel, up to your chin, face, and the top of your head.
Feel how relaxed your body feels… relaxed from head to toe. Notice this feeling of relaxation and allow it to increase.
Scan your body for any remaining areas of tension. When you notice an area that needs to relax, focus your attention on this area, and imagine a warm, tingly feeling of relaxation filling this space.
Your body feels heavy, sleepy, warm and relaxed. Your breathing is so slow and calm. Sit quietly in relaxation…. enjoying this pleasant feeling. Imagine all the functions of your body have slowed down because you are so calm. Your body functions so efficiently, everything feels slow. Slow, regular, and relaxed.
Now just allow your mind to drift. You don’t need to do anything, besides relax. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation. Warm, heavy, and relaxed. Peaceful. Relaxed.
Now that you are calm and relaxed, you can return to your usual activities. Give yourself a moment to reawaken your body. Move your muscles a little to wake them up – roll your shoulders…. stretch your arms and legs. Lean your head slowly and gently from side to side. Open your eyes and wait until you are fully alert. When you are ready, you can resume your usual activities, keeping with you a calm, relaxed feeling.
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