These panic attack worksheets will help you record details about your panic attacks, look for trends, and identify effective coping strategies. Learn how to get rid of panic attacks and reduce anxiety with these worksheets.
The panic worksheets can be downloaded for free by clicking this link. The following information includes the questions contained in the worksheets. If you would like handouts that you can write on, download the panic attack worksheets PDF for free. Print and use this panic attack workbook as needed.
Worksheets are most effective if used over a period of time. Fill out the first part of the handouts right away, then use the panic attack worksheets journal for one week. After one week, compare your initial responses with the actual patterns observed in the panic attack journal.
You can also use these worksheets to document your recovery from panic attacks. Notice how your symptoms of panic and anxiety improve after implementing the strategies in these worksheets.
Symptoms of Panic Attacks
Common symptoms of panic attacks include:
- Racing heart
- Heart palpitations
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Difficulty breathing
- Vision problems
- Nausea
- Shaking
- Sweating
- Dizziness
- Numbness or tingling, usually of hands or face
- Fear
- Feeling like you are going to die
Describe Your Panic Attacks
Complete this information based on what you can remember about panic attacks you have experienced in the past. Then use the panic attacks worksheets journal to see how accurate your perceptions are.
Today’s date: ____________________________________
- How often do your panic attacks occur?
- What symptoms do you experience?
- How long do the panic attacks last?
- What helps the panic attacks go away?
- Describe your first panic attack.
- Describe your most recent panic attack.
Panic Attack Worksheets Journal
Use this panic attacks journal to record details about the panic you experience. Use the journal for one week. Each time you experience a panic attack, fill out the following information.
Date and time now: ____________________________________
When did the panic attack happen?
Date: ___________________________________
Time: ___________________________________
- Where were you when the panic attack started?
- Symptoms (list the symptoms you experienced during the panic attack)
- Duration (how long did the panic attack last?)
- Triggers (anything that seemed to cause the panic attack)
- What you were doing when it started?
- What did you do during the panic attack?
- What you were doing when the panic attack ended?
- Did the panic attack begin suddenly or gradually? Did it end suddenly or gradually? How long did it take to go away?
- What did you think was happening? When did you realize that this event was a panic attack?
- Additional thoughts or comments.
Trends and Patterns
After using the panic attacks worksheets journal for one week, look at trends in these panic attacks.
- Number of panic attacks experienced in one week:
- Shortest Panic Attack:
- Longest Panic Attack:
- Average length of time each panic attack lasted:
- What were you usually doing when panic attacks started?
- How did the panic attacks end?
- Do you see any patterns?
Panic Attack Patterns
Filling out the questions on the panic attack handouts can help determine what pattens your panic attacks and anxiety may follow. By analyzing your own patterns and getting as much information as you can about your panic attacks, you can make an action plan to get rid of panic attacks and decrease anxiety.
Patterns may indicate:
- Possible panic attack triggers (people, places, events, thoughts, etc) that may cause panic attacks
- Ways to decrease panic attacks
- Ways to end panic attacks
- How long to expect panic attacks to last (you can anticipate when the anxiety attack will be over)
- Times of day that tend to be the best and the worst for having panic attacks