This passive progressive relaxation script guides you to relax each part of your body from head to feet by passively relaxing your muscles.
Use this relaxation script to record your own relaxation audio or learn to relax.
The passive progressive relaxation script begins here.
Find a comfortable position. Lie on your back or sit in a chair with your back supported.
Place your hands at your sides, palms up.
Close your eyes if you wish.
Now begin to become aware of your breathing….. Focus on slowing down the rhythm of your breathing….. Your chest and abdomen will expand outward with each breath, like a balloon gently filling with air….
Imagine your ribcage moving out to the sides when you inhale…. and gently inward as you exhale….
Slowly take a deep breath in…. Pause for a moment…. and then exhale slowly. Let the tension melt away as you relax more deeply with each breath…
Continue breathing slowly and gently….
Now turn your attention to the top of your head. Feel the passive progressive relaxation beginning at the top of your scalp, and spreading slowly downwards….
Even your ears are becoming relaxed and heavy…. Feel your eyebrows resting, gently resting downward…. Your forehead is becoming relaxed and smooth….
Allow your temples to relax… let your jaw relax by allowing your mouth to be slightly open with your lips apart, or gently touching…. Allow your tongue to relax…
Feel your throat relaxing…. relax your cheeks, nose, and eyes…. Feel your eyelids becoming very heavy…. and very relaxed…. more and more relaxed….
Continue the passive progressive relaxation… enjoy the feeling of relaxation you are experiencing.
Now turn your attention to your neck…. allow a feeling of relaxation to begin at the top of your neck, and flow downward…
Feel the relaxation as your shoulders become relaxed and loose…. Let your shoulders gently sink downward…. as they become relaxed…. and heavy…. very heavy…. and very relaxed…. deeper and deeper…. relaxed….
Feel your collar bones becoming relaxed as your shoulders move gently back, and your chest widens slightly….
Allow all the muscles in your shoulders to feel smooth… and relaxed…. as the muscles give up their hold completely…
Continue the passive progressive relaxation… enjoy the feeling of relaxation you are experiencing.
Notice your breathing once again… see how regular it has become… continue to take slow…. smooth…. deep breaths… Breathe in the feeling of relaxation… and breathe out any tension… your breathing allows you to become more and more relaxed…. deeply relaxed….. Now turn your attention to your right arm….. Feel the relaxation flowing down from your right shoulder…. allow your upper arm to relax… your elbow…. lower arm… and wrist become loose and relaxed….
Continue the passive progressive relaxation… enjoy the feeling of relaxation you are experiencing.
Enjoy the feeling of passive progressive relaxation as the muscles of your right arm give up their hold…. Feel the relaxation flowing into your hand… Let all the tension drain out each finger tip and flow away…. the relaxation spreads to your thumb… index finger…. middle finger… ring finger… and little finger….
Feel the relaxation flowing down your left arm… Let the muscles of the left upper arm relax…. Relax your elbow…. lower arm…. and wrist…. Feel the relaxation flowing down your left arm….
Continue the passive progressive relaxation… enjoy the feeling of relaxation you are experiencing.
Let the tension melt away…. imagine the tension flowing right out your finger tips… Allow your left hand to relax completely…. relax your thumb… index finger…. middle finger… ring finger… and little finger….
Both of your arms are now totally relaxed… allow them to be free and limp… pleasantly relaxed…
Enjoy the feeling of relaxation you are experiencing… let the passive progressive relaxation continue to flow… spreading easily down your body…. continue the passive progressive relaxation…
Allow the feeling of relaxation to continue to your chest and stomach…. feel the relaxation there… becoming deeper with each breath….
Now turn your attention to your upper back… Feel the relaxation flow down your spine… Let all the muscles give up their hold…. relax your upper back… middle and lower back…. allow your back to relax completely….. Feel the relaxation in your whole upper body….
Relax more deeply with each breath…. more and more relaxed…. deeply relaxed and calm….
Let your hip muscles relax…. Relax all the way from your buttocks, down the back of your thighs… relax the muscles on the front of your thighs… Feel the relaxation in your upper legs moving down to your knees… your calves and shins…. your ankles…. and your feet…. allow all the muscles to relax and go limp….
Allow any last bits of tension to flow right out the soles of your feet…. Feel the relaxation flowing through your body… From the top of your head… down to the bottoms of your feet…. become more relaxed with each breath…. enjoy the feeling of total relaxation…..
You are now as relaxed as you want to be…. Experience the feeling of deep relaxation… enjoy the feeling…. relaxed…. calm….. at peace
Focus on the feeling of relaxation throughout your body…. Notice your breathing…. Your relaxed muscles…. Your calm thoughts… Memorize this feeling so you can re-create this relaxed state whenever you wish….
Enjoy relaxing for a few moments more….
When you are ready to return to your day, reawaken your body sowly… gently move your muscles… roll your shoulders slowly forward…. then slowly backward…. lean your head gently to the left… return to centre…. lean your head gently to the right… turn your head…
Wiggle your fingers and toes….
Gently open your eyes…. Feeling alert… calm…. and full of energy.
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