Sensory relaxation audio involves the use of the senses (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell) to bring about relaxation. This may involve imagining or experiencing different sensations.
Sensory relaxation MP3 and video scripts to help you relax by concentrating on various relaxing sensations can be played directly in your internet browser for your convenience. Sensory relaxation can be highly effective for those who have vivid imaginations and for people who enjoy movement, activity, sights, and sounds. Even if you tend not to have an active imagination, this type of relaxation can be helpful for you because the audio is guided – it will talk you through the process of relaxing.
Audio may be played below for free. Sensory relaxation downloads may also be purchased for $3 each and downloaded to your computer by clicking “add to cart.” If you want to add additional relaxation MP3s to your cart, click the “x” to close the shopping cart and return to this page. Select “add to cart” for the additional title (s) you want to purchase. When you are ready to check out, select “view cart” and press “checkout” to proceed.
Sensory Relaxation Audio MP3s and Videos
Sensory Relaxation
This sensory relaxation script will guide you to imagine a variety of sensations to help focus the mind and promote relaxation. This journey through the senses will include sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and movement.
Emotional Awareness Sensory Relaxation
This emotional awareness relaxation is a sensory relaxation process that can allow you to become more aware of feelings based on the sensory experience of an emotion.
Calming Color Relaxation Visualization
This calming color relaxation script allows you to relax with visualization by imagining each color of the rainbow.
Floating on a Cloud
A calming visualization that will guide you to imagine floating on a cloud.
Hot Springs Relaxation
This hot springs relaxation will guide you to imagine relaxing outdoors in a natural hot water spring in the mountains.
Autogenic Relaxation
This Autogenic Relaxation guides you to relax each part of your body by imagining that it is warm and heavy. Visualization is used to picture various pleasant sources of warmth.
Here are a few suggestions that can help make the most of these sensory relaxation downloads. When relaxing, choose a comfortable position and try to avoid moving around too much. It helps the body relax if you can lie still. Also, avoid crossing your arms or legs, because this can interfere with blood flow. The best positions for relaxation are seated with the back supported or lying down. Place your hands at your sides or gently resting on your lap.
If you have difficulty visualizing the particular sensations, that’s okay. Just imagine each sensation and then observe how you are feeling both physically and mentally. Allow and observe the relaxation process. You don’t need to try to make anything happen.
Get more relaxation downloads from the Relaxation MP3 Downloads Store.
Read the written relaxation scripts for these sensory relaxation exercises here.
More relaxation audio that you can play for free from your web browser:
- Visualizations
- Guided imagery
- Relaxation for Anxiety Relief
- Guided Meditation
- Physical and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques
- Creative Expression
- Quick Relaxation
- Sleep Relaxation
- Autogenics
- Sensory Relaxation
- Relaxation for Children
Not sure where to find the download you are looking for? You can search this site or see a complete list of relaxation scripts on the site map.