Calming Down from Good News: Free Relaxation Script

This relaxation script is for calming down from good news. It will help you achieve a state of calm so you can focus or sleep as needed.

Often the mind can be busy, creating difficulty sleeping and problems concentrating. This busy mind can be created by stress or anxiety, but also by positive things like receiving good news. Even good things can be distracting.

Take a moment to get comfortable. Find a position where you can relax.

You are probably thinking about the good news you received. It feels good to be excited and looking forward to positive things, but this good feeling can interfere with getting other things done. It can be hard to sleep and hard to concentrate.

Let’s take a few moments to think about the the things that have been happening. Enjoy the good news you received, and allow yourself to think about it. I will pause for three minutes. During this time, you can think about your good news, and allow your mind to wander unrestricted. After the three minutes are up, you will be ready to focus and relax.

Right now, you do not need to do anything at all…you do not need to focus on anything. Just allow your mind to be free. Think about, appreciate, and enjoy your good news for the next three minutes.

(Pause three minutes)

Now it’s time to relax…time to begin calming down. Concentrate first on your breathing. Count to see how long each breath takes. When you begin to breathe in, start counting silently in your mind, “one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three…” Continue to count as you inhale and exhale this breath, stopping when you finish the breath out.

Then start again at one, and count from the start of the next breath in, to the end of the breath out.

Keep counting like this, noticing how long each breath is.


You can stop counting now, and just breathe slowly. How many counts were your breaths? Did the length of your breaths change, or was each breath the same? Which part of the breath was longer…the inhale, or the exhale? Take note of what your breathing is like. Feel yourself calming down…calming down…calming down…


Now imagine that you have a jar that contains pure relaxation. It is a liquid substance, the consistency of thick paint. What colour would relaxation be?

Imagine that you also have a paint brush, that is very soft…the softest, silkiest brush…the tip is about as wide as your index finger. The bristles are soft. When pressure is applied, they bend, and as soon as the pressure is stopped, they return to their original position…soft and resilient.

Picture opening the jar of relaxation, and dipping the brush into this paint. Imagine painting relaxation onto the back of your left hand, starting at the wrist, and moving toward your knuckles. Imagine that relaxation is painted over the entire surface of the back of your left hand.

Continue painting this relaxation onto your skin…over the surface of each finger and your thumb. As soon as the relaxation is applied to your skin, feel the area relaxing…feeling calm, still, and heavy.

The relaxation paint is so pleasant. It may be warm…or cool…so deeply relaxing…calming down…

Imagine painting the palm of your left hand, and the front surfaces of your thumb and fingers.

Now imagine painting the back of your right hand, fingers, and thumb…smoothly applying relaxation to the entire back surface of your right hand.

Picture this relaxation being applied to the surface of the palm of your right hand…your fingers and thumb.

Feel how relaxed your hands feel…so warm…heavy…calm…it is such a pleasant feeling. Notice that the relaxation paint is absorbing into your hands…disappearing into the surface of your skin to fill your hands with relaxation…your hands do not look like any paint has been applied at all…the paint looks like it has disappeared but your hands are so fully relaxed…

Feel yourself calming down…calming down…calming down…

Notice the disappearing effect of the relaxation paint. Imagine applying one streak of paint to your left forearm. Imagine looking at the paint, seeing its colour. The paint is thick, and smooth..sitting on the surface of your forearm. See the paint on your skin and feel it relaxing this area.

Notice that as your forearm relaxes, the paint is disappearing. It is as if it is absorbing into your skin…creating an even deeper, more complete feeling of relaxation. Soon there is nothing visible on your forearm at all. It is clean and dry and looks perfectly normal…and is so deeply relaxed.

Imagine painting relaxation to your right forearm as well…and observing as the relaxation absorbs, leaving no visible trace but a total feeling of relaxation.

Feel yourself calming down…calming down…calming down…

Your hands and forearms are heavy and relaxed…and you can relax the rest of your body too.

Imagine applying the relaxation paint to any area that is tense and needs to relax. Perhaps your shoulders. Maybe the paint feels pleasant and cool on your skin…and perhaps it leaves your shoulders feeling warm and heavy…sinking into relaxation…down your arms…so fully relaxed all the way from your shoulders to your fingertips…

Imagine how good it would feel to relax your neck. Imagine what it would feel like if the relaxation was smoothed over the surface of your neck with the soft paint brush.

Imagine brushing the relaxation gently across your forehead…down your nose…over your cheeks…eyelids…lips…chin…

Imagine the relaxation being spread over the surface of your back…over your sides…chest and stomach…all the way to your hips…

Imagine relaxation on your upper legs…and your knees….your lower legs…and ankles…

Feel the pleasant relaxation paint being applied to the top of your feet…and then the bottom of your feet…

Feel your body relaxing from head to toe…so relaxed and still…so heavy…calm…relaxed…

Feel yourself calming down…calming down…calming down…

Notice if there are any areas that have not fully relaxed. Imagine applying the relaxation paint to these spots…feel the paint absorbing…and the area relaxing…sinking into warmth and relaxation…

The relaxation is inside your body now…filling you with a sense of peace and calm…relaxed inside and out…calming down…calming down…calming down…


The relaxation flowing through your body also works to calm the mind…allowing you to focus intently with calm and clarity. Feel yourself calming down…calming down…calming down…


Keep this mental focus with you as you go about the activities of your day. It is fine to be excited by good news. When you need to concentrate on other things, you can use the relaxation and calm to focus your mind rather than being only able to think about the exciting things that happen.

Allow yourself to experience the positive emotions associated with the good news your received, but keep with you a feeling of calm and relaxation…feeling positive…happy…serene…

Associate this feeling of relaxation with the good news…so that whenever you think about good news, you remember this feeling of relaxation…and begin to feel relaxed…feeling calm and relaxed any time you recall good news…

If you find that you begin to get excited thinking about good news, simply recall the feeling of relaxation, focus on your breathing, and allow your mind and body to become calm. Notice your breaths, counting silently in your mind as you breathe…starting at the in breath, and stopping at the end of the breath out. Count the duration of each breath…allow your mental focus to deepen as you count…

Become completely serene and calm as you count each breath…and when you are fully relaxed, you can stop counting, and simply breathe…calm and relaxed…peaceful…serene…


Now you can return to your day, whether that includes being focused and awake, or calmly drifting off to sleep.

If you choose to reawaken, take the next few moments to stretch and allow your body to wake up. When you are fully alert you can get back to your usual activities. If you have decided to reawaken, stop this relaxation exercise now while you stretch, wake up, and return to your day feeling focused and calm.

If you decide to sleep, continue this relaxation script.

Allow the feeling of relaxation to deepen…feel yourself slipping more deeply into a sleepy feeling…drifting into heaviness…


You are so calm…your thoughts wander…to sleep…without particular focus…except the focus on relaxation…turning your attention inside yourself…deeply…sleepy…drifting…

Trying to think but the mind is dreaming…flowing like a river…slowly…any direction…back to one direction of sleep…flowing toward sleep…meandering…but ever gradually getting back to deeply sleeping…




Falling asleep…

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