This quick stress screening test can help identify symptoms of stress, coping behaviours and habits, stressors, and stress-causing life events.
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Download the test by right-clicking on the link below and selecting “save as.” Answer the questions and get your scores. Then return to this page to find out what your scores mean, where your stress level is at, and what to do about it.
To complete the stress screening test and calculate your own score by adding up the totals, you can download the following test (PDF) and instruction sheet (PDF):
Instruction Sheet PDF – How to Calculate Test Scores
To complete the stress screening test and have your scores calculated automatically, you can download the zip file below. Then unzip the file and answer the questions on the excel spreadsheet:
Automatic Score Calculation: Stress Screening Test Zipped Excel file
Note: The screening test is for your personal use. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses. If you have concerns about your health, see a medical professional. This quiz lists possible causes of stress so you can be aware of how relaxation techniques may be helpful. The test cannot determine the causes of your symptoms. Do not rely on the results of this test for any sort of medical or psychological purposes. This test is not researched or standardized and is just for your information and interest.
0 – 30 Low Stress
Your stress is probably at a manageable level right now.You are effectively coping with stress and are probably comfortable with your circumstances over the past two weeks. Relaxation has a protective effect against stress symptoms, and right now is an ideal time to start using relaxation techniques regularly.
31 – 50 Mild Stress
You may be starting to experience symptoms of stress. It is important to manage the stress now while it is still at a manageable level overall. Relaxation techniques can help to decrease stress symptoms, improve overall health, and protect you against future stress.
51 – 70 Moderate Stress
You are experiencing a moderate level of stress. Your symptoms are probably interfering with your quality of life, and you are most likely facing a number of stressful situations. It is essential to manage your stress level before it gets even higher. Relaxation techniques can provide relief from stress symptoms and counteract the harmful effects of stress.
61 – 80 Severe Stress
Your stress level is severe right now, and must be managed immediately to avoid stress induced health problems. You are probably experiencing a high number of stressful situations and many stress symptoms. It is advisable to seek support, such as speaking with a mental health professional. Relaxation can help eliminate or reduce stress symptoms and prevent stress-related health problems.
81 – 100 Extreme Stress
Your stress level is extremely high, and suggests extreme stress overload. You are probably experiencing stress induced health problems. It is important to seek support, such as speaking with a mental health professional. Relaxation is very important to help to alleviate the health problems caused by stress.
101 – 268 Dangerously High Stress
Your stress level is dangerously high. You are experiencing stress overload and your health and quality of life are suffering. It is essential to seek support, such as speaking with a mental health professional. Relaxation is vital to provide stress relief and improve your health.
What is the Relaxation Response?
Get rid of stress now – quick relaxation audio to talk you through it
The next step: take action with Stress Management Worksheets