This page provides more information about acceptable uses of site materials such as relaxation scripts and audio. Find out what use is allowed and what use requires permission.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I facilitate relaxation sessions at work at no charge to the clients. Can I use your written scripts for these sessions? Yes.
I conduct relaxation groups that clients pay to attend. Can I use your written scripts for these sessions? No.
I facilitate relaxation sessions at work at no charge to the clients. Can I use your free audio for these sessions? No.
I facilitate relaxation sessions at work at no charge to the clients. Can I use the relaxation CD (by Inner Health Studio) I purchased for these sessions? Yes.
I facilitate relaxation sessions that clients pay to attend. Can I use the relaxation CD (by Inner Health Studio) I purchased for these sessions? No.
Can I use written relaxation scripts to record my own CD to sell? No.
Can I use written relaxation scripts to record my own CD to use with clients for free? No.
Can I use written relaxation scripts to record my own CD to give to a friend? No.
Can I use written relaxation scripts to record my own CD for personal use? Yes.
Can I put your audio on my website? No. But please feel free to post a youtube video on your website.
Can I read your scripts for my podcast? No.
Can I read your scripts for my youtube video? No.
Can I copy your relaxation scripts and put them on my website? No. But please feel free to link to the scripts from your website.
Can I place an excerpt from your website on my blog or website? Yes, short quotations are permitted with a link back to the page you are quoting.
Can I burn your audio to a CD and give it to a friend? Yes.
Can I email your audio to a friend? Yes.
Can I burn your audio to a CD and give it to a client for free? No.
Can I make handouts for clients based on your materials? Yes, if handouts are used offline and have the appropriate references/attribution.
Can I print handouts from Inner Health Studio for clients to use? Yes, as long as all page headers remain intact and the handouts are provided free of charge.
Use of materials in unauthorized ways is a violation of copyright and subject to penalty by law.