Learn to Relax: Relaxation Classes online

“Learn to Relax” is a five module workshop that will teach you the skills to relax your mind and body and reverse the harmful effects of stress.

Each module involves informative presentations to learn about the science behind the relaxation response, followed by a guided relaxation session. Experience deep relaxation through progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and other techniques.

You will conclude each class feeling great, but also take with you practical skills you can use to relax on your own.

Includes the following topics:
– Stress
– What is Relaxation
– Practical Applications and Relaxation Challenges
– Biofeedback
– Using Relaxation Exercises for Positive Change

Experience progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, autogenics, meditation, guided imagery, and simple biofeedback exercises.

If you have ever tried to relax or meditate, but had difficulty concentrating or found the exercises were not actually relaxing, you’re not alone. You CAN learn to relax. In this class you will practice techniques that are easy and effective so you can learn to relax on your own whenever you want to.

You will be surprised at how easily you can relax, and how enjoyable it is to experience deep relaxation.

The Learn to Relax online relaxation course is closed at the moment.  Please browse the rest of the site for many of these scrips and audio downloads.

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