Relax Under Pressure: Guided Relaxation Script

Learn to relax under pressure with this guided relaxation that will help you to remain calm and focused in a high pressure environment, such as a job interview, presentation, or test. Listen to this relaxation exercise in preparation for the high pressure situation, and then when you are faced with the task you can use the relaxation skills you have learned to keep yourself focused and calm, and not be nervous.

Get into a comfortable position, and set aside a few minutes so you can practice relaxing. The more you practice, the more easily you will relax under pressure.

This exercise will review three ways to relax under pressure, including calm breathing, relaxing tense muscles, and calming your thoughts.

Start by concentrating on your breathing. Breathe in…and out.

Deeply in…and slowly out.


Keep breathing slowly like this. You can slow your breathing even further by counting. Breathe in to the count of four…hold to the count of three…and breathe out to the count of five…

Breathe in…2…3…4…hold…2…3…exhale…2…3…4…5…

Breathe in…hold…breathe out…

Breathe in…and out…

Keep breathing…letting your breath slow comfortably.

You are learning the relaxation skill of slowing your breathing. You can actually feel yourself calming down as you breathe slowly and calmly. This calm breathing helps you focus, and be alert and relaxed. You are learning how to relax under pressure.

Continue to breathe slowly, and every so often, just notice your breathing, and focus on allowing your breathing to slow down.

Now concentrate on your muscles. You may find that you are holding tension in your muscles. Pay particular attention to your shoulders, hands, and jaw.

Consciously lower your shoulders. Let your shoulders relax and allow the muscles to loosen. This act of relaxing your shoulders allows you to become calm because it places your body in a relaxed, easy position instead of a tense one.

Notice your hands, and let your hands be open, loose, and relaxed. Let your arms rest by your sides, letting go of all tension and just relaxing. You are learning how to relax under pressure.

Focus on your jaw. Allow your jaw to rest loosely, so your teeth are not touching. Let your mouth be loose and relaxed.

Mentally scan your body now, noticing any areas that are tense. When you notice tension, concentrate on relaxing that area. Allow your muscles to give up the tension they have been holding. Allow your body to relax. You are learning how to relax under pressure.

Focus on your breathing again…noticing…relaxing. Count each breath again if you like, breathing in to the count of four…holding for a count of three…and breathing out to the count of five.


Now concentrate on your thoughts. Imagine each affirmation that follows, and believe each one to be true. You may want to repeat each phrase silently in your mind. You are learning how to relax under pressure.

I am calm.

I am relaxed.

I know how to relax easily.

I relax whenever I want to.

I handle situations with ease.

I am prepared.

I am focused.

I am strong.

I am confident.

I am so deeply relaxed.

I am so calm and serene.

I concentrate easily on the task at hand.

I easily relax under pressure.

I easily relax under pressure.

I feel calm and relax under pressure.

I am capable.

I am intelligent.

I am worthwhile.

I am skilled.

I am relaxed.

I am relaxed.


Every time you are under pressure, remember to do the three relaxation techniques you have just practiced:

Calm breathing.

Relax your muscles.

Calm your thoughts.

You can relax any time you need to, and the relaxation will help you to concentrate and keep your brain functioning at its best.

The slightest feeling of nervousness causes you to relax.

You can relax every day, in every situation.

Go through the relaxation exercises as many times as you need to in preparation for high pressure situations. When you relax, these situations can feel much less stressful.

Breathe deeply. Relax your muscles. Calm your thoughts.


Breathe deeply. Relax your muscles. Calm your thoughts.


Now you have completed this relaxation exercise. You can relax again any time you need to, and will experience the most benefit if you practice relaxing every day.

For now, it’s time to return to the day head. Slowly reawaken your mind and body, becoming alert and awake while remaining relaxed and calm.

Open your eyes, and look around. Stretch if you want to. Sit quietly for a few moments as you wake up completely.

When you are fully alert you can resume your usual activities, feeling calm and refreshed.

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